Contact Us

Set up an appointment by calling our office at 603-318-0936 or sending an email online.

Our Services

Located in Hollis NH, we provide Chiropractic Services including:

We treat conditions including:

About Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic health care is a safe and effective natural treatment for numerous neuromusculoskeletal disorders which can affect one's general health and well-being. These include back pain, neck pain, headaches and pain in limbs and other joints.

Chiropractors are trained to find the cause of pain and treat it at the source. This may involve specific adjustments of the spine and extremities to align them and restore normal nerve function. We also use various physiotherapies, nutritional support, and rehabilitation exercises.

Chiropractic is a hands-on, patient-centered approach. The nervous system is central to controlling the natural functions of the body. Finding the root cause of a disorder is vital to its treatment instead of addressing only the symptoms. Our goal is to allow the body to heal itself naturally without the use of medication.

About the Doctor

Amanda (Howe) Johnson, D.C. has been serving the Nashua NH area as a chiropractor since 2009. She graduated cum laude from Palmer College of Chiropractic Florida in 2008.

Before attending chiropractic school, Dr. Mandy earned a B.S. in Microbiology and a B.A. in History from the University of New Hampshire, and worked for several years as a microbiologist at a major Boston hospital.


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